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Condit Family Web Pages
My Links

Documents and Stories of Our Condit Ancestors

My Ancestors Stories

The following stories are directly from my ancestors or their immediate kin. In some cases these stories have been passed to me from other family members and sometimes they are compilations of parts from several stories.

Parker Smith Condit's Stories

Written by Parker Smith Condit, son of Silas Whitehead Condit, and shared with family and the Condit archivist.

Gooding County (Idaho) Sketches

Sketches of my Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Great Uncle. and family of my Great Great Uncle.

Stories and Histories of My Ancestors Where They Lived

Condits and Cousins Documents and Stories


Historical Documents

  • Signatures & Seal - The signatures on John Cundict's and Peter Cundict's Wills and the Seal attached to the signatures
  • First Condit Homesteads in Essex County, New Jersey - Dr. Norman I. Condit provided me with a hand drawn map of the Newark and Orange New Jersey area with the location of the first Cundict/Condit homesteads. These are located, to the best of his ability, based on the information available to the Condit Family.

Documents on the Lives of Condits and Cousins

Contact Me

For additional information on any individual or to share information, please contact me, David Condit, at I will try and respond as quick as possible.
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