Introduction to the Condits and Cousins Web Pages
Welcome to the Condits and Cousins Web Site. Here you will find individuals surnamed Condit, Condict, Cundict, and a few Conditt's, along with husband's and wive's of the same along with, in many cases, ancestors of the in-laws. It has been my desire to put all the information available for Condit's and their Cousins on the web. In addition to the Condit family stretching back to John Cundict, the Ancestor who settled in Newark, New Jersey, I have include my wife's family and as many of her ancestors as I can identify. There are also a few Condit lines that are not connected into the overall Condits and Cousins and I am working to tie those into the genealogy, so if you have any information, please share.
This update is as of February 2020 and includes many additional cousins along with lots of corrections. I am still using Reunion 12 to produce the web site data although all the text files are edited manually.
I am continuing my efforts to connect early Essex county families together and if you have any input on this effort it would be appreciated. Many of the Essex county families intermarried and I am continuing to find Condit’s in the 3rd through 6th generations who married into the Dodd, Williams, Harrison, Lindley, Lyon, and other early Essex county families. If you have any families that might fit in Essex County, New Jersey please share your information.
I would like to share this time some of the Condit/Condict/Conditt families that are not connect yet into the larger Condit Genealogy. These consist of people who have descendants that have asked where they fit or possibly people I and others have run across that currently are not in the Condit family.
First the family of Charles. He fought in the Civil War, enlisted in Co. C., 14th Infantry Regiment, New Jersey; was then transferred to Co. D. and then discharged from the General Ward, Newark Army Hospital on 3 May 1865. He and his wife Mary Schuyler were married 17 October 1847 in Somerset County, New Jersey but lived almost their entire lives in Washington Township, Morris County, New Jersey. They had 10 known children, Ellen Elizabeth, Lenora, Anna J., Laura Lavinia, Sarah Emma, William Hanford, Alice, Eliphalet W., Edney "Edna", and Caroline "Callie" Condit. Living in Washington Township, Morris County they almost have to be connected to the larger Condit family but Charles' parents have not been identified. If you know anything of this family, please share.
Second, a family that lived in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey in the mid-19th century, the family of Edward Condit who married Catherine "Kate" Higgins. Edward was born in New Jersey around 1856 and his wife Kate was born in Ireland about 1865. As far as known they had four children, William Edward, John, Julia, and Jerry. William is the only one much is known about as he was b. 24 October 1885 in Neward and died in 1933 in Newark, he married Catherine Murphy.
Other Other Condit's that have not been placed in the Condit Genealogy:
- Phebe G. Condict, Hannover, married Abraham Smith, Pequannock on 16 February 1815
- George Elmer Condict 1843-1904
- Mary Voorhees Condict, d. 14 April 1843, age 40
- Ella M. Condit Married Leroy W. Wait on 10 November 1881 in Calhoun County, Michigan
- James Condict, b. 15 February 1822, mother is Peggy Condict
- Letty Condit marriead to Gabriel Foster on 20 May 1813 in Essex Co., New Jersey, both of Orange.
- Polly (Mary?) Condit of Orange married Aaron Morrison of Columbia Village on 21 January 1806.
- Allen Condit who married Catherine Hostute on 14 April 1810 in Ohio County, Kentucky
If you have Condit or Cousins information to share, please provide that information to me in some manner. You can email me the information, snail mail the information, or download a copy of the Family Group Sheet pdf or the Family Group Sheet Word Document and fill it out and send it to me. That will allow me to insure your family is included in Condits and Cousins database and web site. If you have multiple families, you, your parents, grandparents, there is no need to duplicate information, but please include dates and locations if you have them.
For a quick jump to various parts of these web pages:
- John Cundict, the Ancestor
- Introductions to the Condits and Cousins Web Site
- Outline of the Condits and Cousins Information available -John the Ancestor, the Condit name, religions the Condit's practiced, publishing history of the Condit Genealogy, just lots of information on all things Condit.
- Searching the Condits and Cousins Web Stie -a Google search tool, surnames, site index, and a HOW-TO navigate the site.
- My History and Family Info -all about my Condit ancestors and my time on this earth and where I've lived, four continents.
- Documents and Stories of Our Condit Ancestors-stories about my ancestors, a few wills, and a couple of historical documents.
- Unconnected Condit Families - Lost and alone Condit Families; if you can't find them in the main search they may be here.
A Note About Privacy
I do not publish any information about living people except their name and their sex. Anyone without a death date and less than 100 years old is marked as Name (private, sex). This insures that birthdays and other private information is not shared in an open forum. Although genealogy data sometimes includes quite a bit information it really is not the source thieves use to steal identities, unless the theif is someone you know. Most identity theft happens in restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations and similar places where you personally hand over either a credit card or a personal check, along with identification such as a driver's license. You have just given the minimum wage employee on the other side of the counter all the information needed to impersonate you and to make charges in your name. For some intereting facts on identity theft read some of the articles below from Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter.
- Who's climbing your family tree?
- Commentary About Social Security Numbers in the SSDI
- Another Bogus Report Concerning one Cause of Identity Theft
- So Why Lock Up the Birth Records?"
- Identity Theft is Usually an Unsophisticated Crime
Who I am
I am David E. Condit of Warrenton, Virgina and welcome to my family web pages. I have expanded these pages to include all of the Condits and Cousins family data that has been collected over the last 140 years. You can read more about this effort on the Condits and Cousins page. I originally designed my site to assist others in tracking their genealogy and hopefully provide a little more information for my own genealogy. There are several places on the web where the "Condits and Their Cousins in America" book has been reproduced and I was not attempting to duplicate those sites with these pages. But since inheriting the Condits and Cousins library and archives I have changed my mind and have put the entire book on the site. I have also put all the data in the Condits and Cousins archives on the web, you can read more about this on the Condits and Cousins page.
I wanted to add some value to the information in the Condit family genealogy book by providing a place where additional information can be shown and updated. That means providing references where available, filling in the blanks where the Condit genealogy has no information, and extending the family lines past 1916 where the book ends. Additionally, I have compiled and put on the web many of my Condit family stories obtained from parents, grandparents, Aunt's and Uncle's and various relatives. This data is unique and available only from a few Condit researchers but adds immeasurably to the Condit story. If you are willing I would like you to share your information also.
If you have additional information on any of the Condit people or family lines I would appreciate you emailing with the information and allowing me to add it to this web site. I do not plan on including information on living people on the web site, but would like the information for my files. If you see errors in my data, please let me know so I can fix it. And finally, help me document original sources to verify the data on this site and in the Condit genealogy so we can make the data more accurate and complete for future generations.
A brief history of my Condit Family
The first known Condit in America was John Cundict in 1678 in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey. John Cundict is known to be the ancestor of virtually all bearing the name of Condit or Conditt in the United States.
The family remained primarily in Newark for the first 20 years but quickly branched out in the immediate area of Newark. Several of the brothers moved to Morristown, NJ while the rest of the family lived in the Orange and Newark area. The family was very much involved in the building up of the Orange and Morristown area, running to large families. A hundred years after John was first known in Newark the Condit family became quite involved in the Revolutionary war with many of the Condit's participating. The most well known being Colonel David Condit, Dr. John Condit and Captain Jonathan Condit. Soon after the end of the war the a group of Condit's moved to the Washington County, PA area and into Mercer County, PA. Twenty years later a another group moved to central Ohio and established the town of Condit.
My branch of the family, David Condit10 (Sheldon Everett9, John Winford8, John Henry7, Silas Whitehead6, Jeptha5, Jonathan4, Samuel3, Peter2, John1 Cundict) headed west to Ohio where my great-great-grandfather joined the early LDS Church and moved west again to first Nauvoo, IL and then founded and settled in Little Sioux, Iowa when he left the LDS Church. Thirty years later several of Silas' sons and daughters moved west again, settling in the Hagerman, Idaho area. World War II moved my father, Sheldon, away from the Idaho homestead and brought us to California where most of the family still lives. The U. S. Army moved me away from California, around the world, and my family and I now live in Virginia.
In 2019 I became a widower and now understand completely the heartbreak of that condition. I now find myself spending more time helping friends and family trace their ancestors and enjoy it immensely. It seems my primary retirement activities are genealogy and traveling. I love to travel and visit family and friends and welcome visits of family and friends to Virginia.
Additional information on my Condit family and ancestry is available on my Family Info page.Surnames
For a listing of Surnames go to Surname Listings page.Contact Me
For additional information on any individual or to share information, please contact me, David Condit, at I will try and respond as quick as possible.