401. “George Washington Matthews Family,” Rudi Bethke Jr., about 1995, Matthews family Reunion, Paper copy.
402. Poor School Children Records, Chester Co., Pennsylvania 1810-1836, Compiled by Lucy Simler and Chester County Archives, Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 132, 7/27/2012, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Poor Children List Chester County
Year Parent name children age township Transcriber notes
1824 MATTHEWS James John 10, George W 8 Lower Oxford
1832 Matthews, James Mary 7, Williamina Lower Oxford
403. “Record of the New Park Branch of the Philadelphia District,” New Park Historian, unknown, paper copy, 12, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, Obit said he died 10/16/1882 aged 66 years, 8 months, 6 days (b. 10 Feb 1816).
404. “Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of Women held 11 of 8th month 1842 and 14 of 12th mon 1843,” Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081, Copy in possession of David Condit.
Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women, friends held 11th of 8th mo 1842...
Preparative Meeting informs that Eliza Jane Matthews late Thomas, has had her marriage accomplished with a man not in membership with us. Deborah McDonnald and Martha Jones are appointed to take her case under care.

Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women friends held at Fawn 14 of 12 mo 1843...
The committee in Eliza jane Matthews case reported they had an opportunity with her. She is still desirious of to retain her right and informs the committee that the charge which has been brought against her she is clean of. It was left under consideration. One of the friends reported they attended the Quarterly Meeting except one.

Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of woman friends held 11 of 1st month 1844...
The committee in Eliza Jane Mathews case report they had an opportunity with her and that she denies one of the charges brought against her. It is the judgement of the meeting after due deliberation that she should be disoned . The same committee will continue to inform her.
405. “Lancaster County, Pennsylvania tax records, 1748-1855,” “Little Britain Township, 1754-1846,” Family History Library US/CAN Film 1449287, Manuscript/On Film; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Filmed by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1971, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
406. Poor School Children Record Indexes 1805-1842, Chester County Govenment, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 9/3/2012, online,
Poor Children List Chester County
Year Parent name children age township Transcriber notes
1824 MATTHEWS James John 10, George W 8 Lower Oxford
1832 Matthews, James Mary 7, Williamina Lower Oxford
407. Southern Lancaster County Historical Society, “Poor Children List,”, viewed 10/21/2010.
Poor Children List
Included in the tax lists for various years. Some places site 1811 to 1837 as reference years that these are supposed to appear. The ones I found listed did not cover that wide a span of years. Some townships did start in 1811 But I have not found listings past 1827 to date.
Like all documents some transcribers included all the information. Others just the child’s name.
On the ones complete They include name of Child, age of child, the parents name and if not the parent the relationship of the person to the child
On some of these it seems all the children were written down and later some were crossed off. These were very hard to read, I suggest checking the original tax list. The years on the tax list microfilms are also not always marked clearly.
Year Parent name children age township Transcriber notes
1819 MATTHEWS James Jno 6 years Little Britain
1819 MATTHEWS James Jesse 9 years Little Britain
1823 MATHEWS .. John 8 years Little Britain
408. “1840 US Census for John Matthews,” Sadsbury, Chester, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 4/182013, Year: 1840; Census Place: Sadsbury, Chester, Pennsylvania; Roll: 453; Page: 119; Image: 245; Family History Library Film: 0020542.
409. “1850 U.S. Census - John Matthews,” North Codorus, York Co., Pennsylvania, 10/31/1850, NARA Microfilm M-432, Roll 839, page 368, National Archives.
410. “1860 U.S. Census - John Matthews,” Marshall, Harford Co., Maryland, Nara Film M653, Roll 476, pg 548, copy in possession of David Condit.
411. “1870 U.S. Census - John Mathews (Matthews) and Joseph Matthews,” Upper Falls PO, Harford Co., Maryland, 5 Sep 1870, Nara Film M593, Roll 588, pg 193, copy in possession of David Condit, Year: 1870; Census Place: District 4, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M593_588; Page: 193A.
412. “1880 Census - John Matthews,” Vincennes, Lee Co., Iowa, 6/8/1880, Microfilm and FHL Film 1254350, T9 Rl 350 pg 231B; National Archives.
413. “1885 Iowa State Census for John Mathews,” Vincennes, Lee Co., Iowa, electronic,, 10/26/2010, Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
414. “Keokuk, Iowa Branch, Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book B, page B157-8.
415. “Saints Herald, Obituaries, 1/28/1893, Vol 40, No. 4,” Community of Christ Library, Independence, Missouri, for John Matthews, 4/16/2013, copy in files of David Condit, says 4 Jan 1893.
416. Oakland Sand Cemetery, Vincennes, Lee County, Iowa, 4/5/2014, “Find-A-Grave,”;GScid=2305390&;.
417. “Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934,” electronic, familysearch, 4/18/2013, for Jesse Wells Matthews and Armantha R. Newberry, 4/2/1895, Keokuk, Lee, Iowa, Keokuk, Lee, Iowa, film 960033, image 235, "Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 Apr 2013), Jesse Wells Matthews and Armantha R. Newberry, 1895., for son Jesse Wells Matthews.
Butler County, MO Marriage Application Index Volume 1 - Volume 22 Alpha listing C 17772 1883 - 1914
418. “Keokuk, Iowa Branch, Early RLDS Local Records, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; LJR, Folder F434.
419. “Pioneer Overland Travel - Company Detail; James Wareham Company,” LDS Church,, 6/21/2013.
420. “1850 Census for Elizabeth Healy,” District 1, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 10/4/2010, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Harford, Maryland; Roll M432_294; Page: 13A; Image: 32.
421. “1860 Census for Elizabeth Haley,” Dublin, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 10/4/2010, Year: 1860; Census Place: Dublin, Harford, Maryland; Roll M653_476; Page: 430; Image: 432; Family History Library Film: 803476.
422. Oakland Sand Cemetery, Vincennes, Lee Co., Iowa, 10/19/2010, Find-A-Grave,;, says b. 27 Sep 1829.
423. “Keokuk, Iowa Branch, Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book B, page B157-8, says b. 5 Oct 1829.
424. “Vincennes, Iowa Branch, Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; LJR, White Envelope #170, Bk 1, pg 20-21.
425. Oakland Sand Cemetery, Vincennes, Lee Co., Iowa, 10/19/2010, Find-A-Grave,;, DOB should be 9/27/1829 if “aged 58 years, 5 months, 11 days.”.
426. “Saints Herald, Obituaries, 3/24/1888, Vol 35, No. 12,” Community of Christ Library, Independence, Missouri, for Letitia Matthews, 4/16/2013, copy in files of David Condit.
427. Oakland Sand Cemetery, Vincennes, Lee Co., Iowa, 10/19/2010, Find-A-Grave,;.
428. Charles Worthington Evans (1812-1889), Biographical and historical accounts of the Fox, Ellicott, and Evans families, and the different families connected with them (1882), Buffalo, Press of Baker, Jones & Co., 1882, 98.
429. “Tax lists to 1900; Chester County Historical Society (West Chester, Pennsylvania),” “London Britain - New Garden to 1900,” Family History Library US/CAN Film 571121, Manuscript/On Film; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Filmed by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1971, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
430. “Report of Immigration,” Salt Lake City, Utah, 9/16/1862, 93, electronic, Young, Joseph W., "Report of the Immigration," Deseret News [Weekly], 17 Sep. 1862, 93.
Letita J. Healy; Joseph, Jane and Erastus Hawkins; Robert Hawi; Richard Harwood; Richard and Ann Hopkins; William, Mary and Catharine Hymas; William, Mary A., Sarah, Susan, Benjamin, James and Mary A. Hymas; William, Hannah, Esther, Williams, Hannah S., Alice E. and Louisa E. Harrison; George, Elizabeth, John G. and William Handley; Samuel Haycock; Henry Hill.
John, Wm. and Thomas Matthews; Jesse W., Mary P., John A., Mary E. and Joseph A. Matthews; Hannah D., Fred. And Josephine Myers; Abraham Mitchell; Elizabeth Matthews; Wm. Matthews; Alex. and Martha Moody; John McLean; John and David Mitchell.

James Wareham Company
Departure: ca. 8 July 1862
Arrival: 26 September 1862
Company Information:
250 individuals and 46 wagons were in the company when it began its journey from the outfitting post at Florence, Nebraska .
431. “Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/17/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book A, page 405.
432. “Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/17/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book A, page 406.
433. “Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/17/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book A, page 426.
434. “Last Will of John Matthews,” Hinsdale, Lee Co., Iowa, Written 1889, proved 6 Mar 1893, electronic,, 8/14/2020.
435. “Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of Women in case of Letitia Jane Healy,” Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081, Copy in possession of David Condit.
Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women, friends held 11th of 8th mo 1842...
Elizabeth Healy requests to be instated in society with us, and also for the reception of her 6 minor children, Ruth Elizabeth, Letitia Jane, Asop Warner, Mary Amelia Ann, Sarah Agnes, and James Ellicott Healy.

Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women, friends held 13th of 10th mo 1842...
The committee in Elizabeth Healys case were united that her request for herself and children should be granted which the meeting united with.

Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women, friends held 17th of 2nd mo 1859…
Preparitive Meeting informs that Letitia Jane Haley has so far deviated from the path of virtue as to bring reproach on the society of friends.

Deer Creek Monthly Meeting of women, friends held 12th of 1st mo 1860…
Letitia J Haley having so far departed from the path of virtue as to bring reproach non herself and sorrow to Friends and having been treated with it is the judgement of this meeting that she ought to be disowned She is therefore discontinued a member of the Society of Friends…
436. “1840 US Census for Jesse Matthews and James Mathews,” Little Britain, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 10/18//2010, Year: 1840; Census Place: Little Britain, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll 247; Page: 466; Image: 505; Family History Library Film: 0020547.
437. “1850 U.S. Census - Jesse Matthews,” West Nottingham Twp, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 11/5/1850, NARA Microfilm M-432, Roll 764, page 3, National Archives.
438. “1860 Census for Jesse Mathews (Matthews),” West Nottingham, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, electronic,, 10/4/2010, Year: 1860; Census Place: West Nottingham, Chester, Pennsylvania; .
439. “1870 U.S. Census - Jesse Matheus (Matthews) and Joseph R Nelan (Nelson),” Fulton Twp, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, 21 Jul 1870, Nara Film M593, Roll 1356, pg 96, National Archives, Year: 1870; Census Place: Fulton, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll M593_1356; Page: 96B; Image: 198; Family History Library Film: 552855.
440. “1880 Census for Jesse Matthews and Wm Matthews Jr,” Winchester, Jefferson Cty, Kansas, Microfilm; electronic, T9-Rl 383 pg 201D; National Archives;, 7/21/2012, Year: 1880; Census Place: Winchester, Jefferson, Kansas; Roll 383; Family History Film: 1254383; Page: 201D; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 0407.
441. Union Methodist Cemetery, Fremont, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 9/1/2013, “Find-A-Grave,”
442. “Fremont Methodist Episcopal Cemetery; Fremont, Chester Co., Pennsylvania,” Frank W. Patnude; 11/14/2003, viewed 10/23/2010, paper, Chester County Historical Society Library.
443. “Death’s Work,” Daily Local News, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 9/7/1908, unknown, Chester county Historical Society Library, vertical files.
444. Early Records of RLDS Church, Not published, 266-270.
copy in possession of David Condit
445. “1900 Census Mary B Mathews,” West Nottingham Twp, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, jpg; electronic, National Archives T623, Roll 1394, Page 3B;, downloaded 2/27/2007, Year: 1900; Census Place: West Nottingham, Chester, Pennsylvania; Roll T623_1394; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 129.
Name:Mary B Mathews
Home in 1900:West Nottingham, Chester, Pennsylvania
Estimated birth year:abt 1816
Relationship to head-of-house:Head
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary B Mathews 84
Morris Mathews 61
Mary M Mathews 27
Morris A Nelson 20
446. “Certificate of Death for Mary B Matthews,” 9/5/1908, West Nottingham, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 88188, 72, electronic,, 7/1/2014, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
447. Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, “Membership Record Card file and Membership Record Books,” received extracted data on 2/25/1992, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri.
448. “Tax lists to 1900; Chester County Historical Society (West Chester, Pennsylvania),” “West Marlborough - West Vincent to 1900,” Family History Library US/CAN Film 570730, Manuscript/On Film; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Filmed by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1971, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
449. RLDS Church Archives, Independence, MO, “Request for Genealogical Information,” 11/26/91, Independence, MO.
450. The Gilbert family, the Carver family and the Duffield family, Joseph C Martindale, Frankford, Phila. : Martin & Allardyce, 1911, 1-8, 3/9/2018,, “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Death of various people: see text, 8/6/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. , North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016. .
“Sarah Gilbert the wife of Benj. Gilbert dec. the 26 day of the 12th month 1765 aged near ninety years supposed.”
“Bryan Peart Dec’d the 27th day of the 12th mo in the year 1757”
451. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Death of unnamed child and wife Rebecca of Benjamin Gilbert,, 8/6/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
452. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Benjamin & Sarah (Mason) Gilbert’s children,, 8/6/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
453. A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his family., Philadelphia, printed by Jonh Richards; 1848.
454. “Benjamin Gilbert’s will of 1809,” Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, 12/15/1808; proven: 1/17/1809, Will Book 1 p 263, electronic, files of David Condit.
455. New Garden Friends Cemetery, New Garden, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 8/5/2021, Find-A-Grave,
456. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Benjamin Gilbert and Rebecca Watson,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
457. Dora Anne Gilbert , The Ancestral Record of the Gilbert Family of Pennsylvania, self-published, Chester County Historical Society Library, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
458. Dora Anne Gilbert , The Ancestral Record of the Gilbert Family of Pennsylvania, self-published, Chester County Historical Society Library, West Chester, Pennsylvania, Says 6 Dec 1759.
459. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Benjamin Gilbert and Elizabeth Prth,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
460. 100 Years at Warrington: Newberry, Warrington, Menallen, Huntington and York Meetings, Compiled by Margaret B. Walmer, Heritage Books, Inc; Bowie, Maryland, 44, 1985.
461. “1810 US census for Jehu Thomas Sr,” Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland,, electronic, 4/12/2014, Year: 1810; Census Place: Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland; Roll: 14; Page: 746; Image: 0193667; Family History Library Film: 00115.
462. “1840 U.S. Census for Andew Thomes (Mordecai Thomas),” District 5, Harford, Maryland , electronic,, 8/10/2021, Year: 1840; Census Place: District 5, Harford, Maryland; Roll: 167; Page: 70; Family History Library Film: 0013185.
463. “1850 US Census for Mordecai Thomas, Amos P. Thomas, Daniel P. Thomas, Joseph H Scarborough,” District 1, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 4/10/2014, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M432_294; Page: 47A; Image: 98.
464. “1860 U.S. Census - Mordecai Thomas, Wm G Terrell, Joseph Scarborough, May Thomas,” Dublin, Harford Co., Maryland, pdf, electronic, Nara Film M653, Roll 476, pg 439;, 4/10/2014, Year: 1860; Census Place: Dublin, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M653_476; Page: 439; Image: 441; Family History Library Film: 803476.
465. “1870 U.S. Census - Wm H Johnson, Mordecai Thomas, David Heaps,” District 5, Harford, Maryland, August 1870, pdf; electronic, National Archives, Nara Film M593, Roll 588, pg 238;, 4/10/2014, Year: 1870; Census Place: District 5, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M593_588; Page: 238A; Image: 461; Family History Library Film: 552087.
466. USGenWeb Archives by: David Lowe, “Cemetery: Fawn Grove (Friends) United Methodist Location: Fawn Grove, York County, Pennsylvania,”, 3/18/2005.
467. Fawn Grove Friends Cemetery, Fawn Grove, York Co., Pennsylvania, 8/23/2014, “Find-A-Grave,”;.
468. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” electronic,, 10/17/2015, for Amos Pyle & Sarah Pyle and six minor children, viz. Sarah, Daniel, John, Phebe, Joseph, and Amos; 6/25/1807 Deer Creek Monthly Meeting, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
469. “1810 US Census for Amos Pyle,” Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 12/7/2015, Year: 1810; Census Place: Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland; Roll: 14; Page: 746; Image: 00115; Family History Library Film: 0193667.
470. “Little Britain Friends Monthly Meeting births and deaths 1775-1881,” Microfilm 228 in Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 7/27/2012.
471. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Bryan Peart and Elizabeth Walton,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
472. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” electronic,, 3/1/2018, For Jesse Gilbert and Sarah, Sadsbury Monthly Meeting, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
473. “1790 U.S. Census for Jesse Gilbert,” Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 3/1/2018, Year: 1790; Census Place: Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Series: M637; Roll: 9; Page: 287; Image: 560; Family History Library Film: 0568149--.
474. “1810 U.S. Census for Jesse Gilbert,” Byberry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 3/1/2018, Year: 1810; Census Place: Lampeter, Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Roll: 50; Page: 495; Image: 00122; Family History Library Film: 0193676.
475. Lampeter Friends Meetng House And Burial Gronds, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, 8/5/2021, Find-A-Grave,
476. Bart Friends Meeting House Cemetery, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, 3/1/2018, “Find-A-Grave,”;lastName=Gilbert, Link from Amos Gilbert page.
477. “Rebecca and Joseph Rakestraw Family w/family group sheet,” unknown, unknown, Paper, 2000.
478. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Rebekah Gilbert and Joseph Rakestraw,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
479. “Ohio, Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998,” For Rebecca Rakestraw, Case 3508, Estate Records, 3432-3553, 1849-1850,, electronic, Estate Records; Author: Ohio. Probate Court (Columbiana County); Probate Place: Columbiana, Ohio--, Ohio, Wills and Probate Records, 1786-1998 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.--, 3/9/2018.
480. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Certificate of Removal to New Garden Monthly Meeting, Ohio,, 8/11/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
4th Mo 8th 1823 Sadsbury Monthly Meeting: “Women friends produced a Certificate for Rebecca Rakestraw to New Garden Mo Meeting state of Ohio which was approved & signed.”
481. Friends Burial Ground, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, 8/5/2021, Find-A-Grave,
482. Byberry Waltons : an account of four English brothers, Nathaniel, Thomas, Daniel and William, Swayne, Norman Walton, 1885-1964, Stephenson Brothers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1958, 1, 1/17/2020.
Available in the family search digital library.
483. New Garden Friends Cemetery, New Garden, Chester Co., Pennsylvania, 8/5/2021, Find-A-Grave,
484. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Intent to marry John Gilbert and Ann Steakhouse,, 8/11/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
485. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Sarah Gilbert and Daniel Walton,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
486. Byberry Friends Burial Ground, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania, 8/5/2021, Find-A-Grave,
487. “Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821,” For Caleb Gilbert and Martha Stackhouse,, electronic, Pennsylvania, Compiled Marriage Records, 1700-1821 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2011.--, Original data: Pennsylvania Marriage Records. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Archives Printed Series, 1876. Series 2, Series 6.--, 3/9/2018.
488. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Children of Joseph and Rachael Gilbert,, 8/6/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
Name: Joseph Gilbert
Event Type: Miscellaneous
Residence Place: Montgomery, Pennsylvania
Spouse: Rachel Gilbert
Monthly Meeting: Abington Monthly Meeting
Yearly Meeting: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Meeting State: Pennsylvania
Meeting County: Montgomery
489. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Death of Joseph Gilbert,, 8/11/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
490. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” John & Joshua Gilbert death/burial entries,, 8/11/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
4th Mo 8th 1823 Sadsbury Monthly Meeting: “Women friends produced a Certificate for Rebecca Rakestraw to New Garden Mo Meeting state of Ohio which was approved & signed.”
491. “U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935,” Inquiry into estate of John Gilbert Sr (d. 1711),, 8/11/2021, Swarthmore College; Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Quaker Meeting Records, U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. .
492. Bill Putnam, “The Putman/Putnam Family of Fauquier County, Virginia,”, downloaded 5/17/2005.
493. “1870 U.S. Census for Amos Hannon (Harmon) and Henriette Hannon (Harmon),” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/30/2012, Year: 1870; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: M593_1468; Page: 332A; Image: 282; Family History Library Film: 552967.
494. “Record of the Baldwin (MD) Branch of the New York and Philadelphia District,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/16/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; LJR, Microfilm P-27 Series, Project MO 04810, Roll 69, indicates b. 28 Dec 1848.
495. “Record of the Baldwin (MD) Branch of the New York and Philadelphia District,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/16/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; LJR, Microfilm P-27 Series, Project MO 04810, Roll 69, indicates d. 10/31/1877.
496. Centre Presbyterian Cemetery, York Co., Pennsylvania, 4/5/2014, “Find-A-Grave,”;.
497. “1850 US Census for Samuel Harman,” District 1, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 2/2/2015, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M432_294; Page: 47B; Image: 99.
498. “1860 US Census for Samuel Hamer (Harman),” Abingdon, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 2/2/2015, Year: 1860; Census Place: Abingdon, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M653_476; Page: 160; Image: 161; Family History Library Film: 803476.
499. “1880 US Census for Amanda E Harman (Harmon),” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1880; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1208; Family History Film: 1255208; Page: 657C; Enumeration District: 040.
500. “1900 US Census for Amos Harman,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/30/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1501; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 144; FHL microfilm: 1241501.
501. “1910 US Census for Amos Harmon and Joseph Scott,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/30/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1433; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 0052; Image: 775; FHL microfilm: 1375446.
502. “1920 US Census for Lottie E. Scott,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 10/3/2015, Year: 1920; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1667; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 51; Image: 766.
503. “Pennsylvania Death Certificate for Amos Harmon,” 11/10/1920, Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, 115353, electronic,, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1963 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
504. “1900 US Census for Montraville Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1501; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 144; FHL microfilm: 1241501.
505. “1910 US Census for Montroville O Matthews,” Marshall, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Marshall, Harford, Maryland; Roll: T624_565; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0107; Image: 1270; FHL microfilm: 1374578.
506. contributed by David Lowe, “Cemetery: Fawn Grove United Methodist, Fawn Grove, York Co., Pennsylvania,”, viewed 10/27/2010.
304 MATTHEWS ALMA N R 1884 1951
305 MATTHEWS MARY E R 1899 1963
306 MATTHEWS J A R STEWART 1886 1946
307 MATTHEWS ESTHER G R 1914 1946
308 MATTHEWS MONTRAVILLE O R 06-19-1845 04-24-1921
310 MATTHEWS WILLIAM E R "S. SGT. 428TH SQUAD 310 AIR GROUP, WW 2" 1920 1949
507. “Certificate of Death for Monttraville O Matthews,” 4/24/1921, Fawn, York Co., Pennsylvania, 37272, 3, electronic,, 6/30/2014, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
508. Fawn Grove Friends, Fawn Grove, York Co., Pennsylvania, 4/5/2014, “Find-A-Grave,”;.
509. “Record of the Baldwin (PA) Branch of the Philadelphia District,” Brian Carr, after 1902, Records held by Brian Carr as kept by his family over the years, electronic copies in files of David Condit.
510. “1900 US Census for E P Matthews,” North Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/30/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: North Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1428; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 137; FHL microfilm: 1241428.
511. “1910 US Census for Edward Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/30/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1433; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 0052; Image: 771; FHL microfilm: 1375446.
512. “RLDS Membership Records, Deceased Members,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, unk, 4/17/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; RLDS Membership Records, Deceased Members, Microfilm, Roll with Letter “M”.
513. “Certificate of Death for Edward P Matthews,” 2/11/1929, Fawn, York Co., Pennsylvania, 38392, 9, electronic,, 6/30/2014, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
514. York County Archives, 150 Pleasant Acres Road, York, PA 17402.
515. “Obit info for Margaret A. Matthews,” Obituary Index, 1800s-current, 7/29/1944, Baltimore, Maryland, The Evening Sun; Publication Date: 1 Aug 1944; Publication Place: Baltimore, Maryland, USA; URL: ,
516. “Virginia, Births and Christenings, 1853-1917,” electronic, familysearch, 6/4/2012, for Benj. C Putnam, son of Thornberry M and Agnes Putnam, Fauquier, Virginia, Virginia-EASy, film #31636, ref p81 E160.
Butler County, MO Marriage Application Index Volume 1 - Volume 22 Alpha listing C 17772 1883 - 1914
517. “1860 US Census for Thornbury M Putnam,” South West Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1860; Census Place: South West Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: M653_1344; Page: 252; Image: 259; Family History Library Film: 805344.
518. “1870 US Census for Thomberry Putman,” First Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1870; Census Place: First Revenue District, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: M593_1645; Page: 534A; Image: 603; Family History Library Film: 553144.
519. “1880 US Census for Benjamin Putman,” Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1880; Census Place: Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: 1364; Family History Film: 1255364; Page: 21A; Enumeration District: 039.
520. “1900 US Census for Benjamin Putnam,” Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: 1708; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 32; FHL microfilm: 1241708.
521. “1910 US Census for Benjamin C Putman (Putnam),” Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: T624_1628; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 0048; Image: 803; FHL microfilm: 1375641.
522. “1920 US Census for B E Putnam,” Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1920; Census Place: Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: T625_1888; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 51; Image: 903.
523. “1930 US Census for Ben C Putnam,” Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia, electronic,, 6/4/2012, Year: 1930; Census Place: Marshall, Fauquier, Virginia; Roll: 2443; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 12; Image: 297.0; FHL microfilm: 2342177.
524. Orlean Cemetery, Orlean, Fauquier Co., Virginia, 6/17/2020, “Find-A-Grave,”
525. “1850 Census for Elizabeth Fife,” District 1, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 10/18/2010, Year: 1850; Census Place: District 1, Harford, Maryland; Roll M432_294; Page: 25A; Image: 56.
526. “1860 US Census for Jacob F Matthews,” Marshall, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1860; Census Place: Marshall, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M653_476; Page: 539; Image: 541; Family History Library Film: 803476.
527. “1870 U.S. Census for Jacob Mathews,” District 4, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 8/24/2012, Year: 1870; Census Place: District 4, Harford, Maryland; Roll: M593_588; Page: 203B; Image: 392; Family History Library Film: 552087.
528. “1880 US Census for Jacob F Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1880; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1208; Family History Film: 1255208; Page: 672B; Enumeration District: 040; .
529. “1900 US Census for Jacob F Mathews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1501; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 144; FHL microfilm: 1241501.
530. “1910 US Census for Jacob F Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1433; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 0052; Image: 773; FHL microfilm: 1375446.
531. “Certificate of Death for Jacob Fife Matthews,” 9/20/1925, Fawn, York Co., Pennsylvania, 89003, 11, electronic,, 7/1/2014, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
532. “Certificate of Death for Annie Mary Matthews,” 2/9/1911, Fawn, York Co., Pennsylvania, 13011, 3, electronic,, 7/1/2014, Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1944 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
533. “1880 Census for George H Knopp,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 10/18/2010, Year: 1880; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll 1208; Family History Film: 1255208; Page: 659D; Enumeration District: 40.
534. “1900 US Census for Ruth Founds,” Marshall, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 4/26/2013, Year: 1900; Census Place: Marshall, Harford, Maryland; Roll: 624; Page: 32A; Enumeration District: 0149; FHL microfilm: 1240624.
535. “1910 US Census for Thomas B Daughton,” District 5, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 4/24/2013, Year: 1910; Census Place: District 5, Harford, Maryland; Roll: T624_565; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0110; FHL microfilm: 1374578.
536. “1920 US Census for Thomas B Daughton,” Peach Bottom, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 4/26/2013, Year: 1920; Census Place: Peach Bottom, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1668; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 269.
537. “1930 US Census for Thomas Daughton,” Election District 4, Harford, Maryland, electronic,, 4/26/2013, Year: 1930; Census Place: Election District 4, Harford, Maryland; Roll: 875; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 15; Image: 993.0; FHL microfilm: 2340610.
538. “Record of the Baldwin (PA) Branch of the Philadelphia District,” Brian Carr, after 1902, Records held by Brian Carr as kept by his family over the years, electronic copies in files of David Condit, annotation above his wife’s name in records.
539. “Descendants of Gilbert R Matthews,” Teresa Taylor, Paper, Received at Matthews Reunion 2012, Files of David Condit.
540. “1880 US Census for William H Founds,” MT Pleasant, Cecil, Maryland, electronic,, 4/26/2013, Year: 1880; Census Place: MT Pleasant, Cecil, Maryland; Roll: 507; Family History Film: 1254507; Page: 292B; Enumeration District: 018; Image: 0762.
541. “Civil War Pension Application for William H Founds and wife Ruth A. Founds,” electronic,, on file with the National Archives; Invalid App. No. 317944; Widow App. No. 597224, Washington, DC, General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. T288, 546 rolls.
542. “1880 US Census for J Lamar Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1880; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1208; Family History Film: 1255208; Page: 659C; Enumeration District: 040;.
543. “1900 US Census for Lamar Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 1501; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 144; FHL microfilm: 1241501.
544. “1910 US Census for James L Mathews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1910; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1433; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 0052; Image: 775; FHL microfilm: 1375446.
545. “1920 US Census for J Lamar Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1920; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1667; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 51; Image: 768.
546. USGenWeb Archives, “CENTRE Presbyterian Church Cemetery: New Park, Fawn Twp, York Co, Pennyslvania,”, 3/18/2005.
547. “NEARLY 100 YEARS OLD,” Delta Heald and Times, Delta, Pennsylvania, 2/14/1918.
548. “1930 US Census for Deborah J Matthews,” Fawn, York, Pennsylvania, electronic,, 8/25/2012, Year: 1930; Census Place: Fawn, York, Pennsylvania; Roll: 2165; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 20; Image: 233.0; FHL microfilm: 2341899.
549. “1840 US Census for Amos W Condit,” Sunbury, Delaware, Ohio, electronic,, 11/22/2011, Year: 1840; Census Place: Sunbury, Delaware, Ohio; Roll: 391; Page: 187; Image: 918; Family History Library Film: 0020163.
550. “1850 US Census for Silas W Condit,” Pottawattamie County, Iowa, District #21, 12 Oct 1850, NARA Microfilm M-432, Roll 188, pg 112, family 766, dwelling 766, National Archives.
551. “1870 U.S. Census for G W Condit,” Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, electronic,, 1/24/2011, Year: 1870; Census Place: Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa; Roll: M593_395; Page: 66A; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 545894.
552. “1880 US Mortality Schedule for Silas Condit,” Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, Oct 1879, electronic,, 1/19/2012, U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
553. Susan Easton Black, Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830–1848, Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Religious Studies Center, 1989, CDRom copy in Condit Family archives.
554. “Farminton, Maine, Kennebec Co. Vital Records,” Vol. 1, pg 8, pg 20, from Bill Kempton, POB.
555. Compiler Lyndon W. Cook, Nauvoo Deaths & Marriages 1839-1845, Grandin Book Co, Orem, UT, 17, Death.
556. Lyndon W. Cook, Nauvoo deaths and Marriages 1839-1845, Grandin Book Company, Orem, UT, 17.
557. “Marriage Certificate,” 16 Jun 1842, State of Ohio, Delaware County, Marriage Register, Copy, Original at Court House, Delaware Co., OH.
558. “1840 US Census for Thomas Hiscock,” Jay, Franklin, Maine, electronic,, 8/14/2013, Year: 1840; Census Place: Jay, Franklin, Maine; Roll: 140; Page: 104; Image: 214; Family History Library Film: 0009703.
559. Roots Web, “Farmington Births,”, 14 Aug 2001.
1895 June 19 Arthur R Hiscock 4 Fred W & Cora A McLeary Hiscock Farmington & Strong
1880 Feb 8 Florence Augusta Hiscock 1 J Eugene & Angie S Corbett Hiscock & New Vineyard
1892 May 7 Ira Vaughn Hiscock 2 Eugene & Angie Corbett Hiscock mother b. Farmington
1985 May 25 Mary E Hiscock 3 Hiram R & Ada B Bean Hiscock Farmington & Chesterville
1824 Dec 18 Sally Parker Hiscock   Thomas & Sally Hiscock
1892 Aug 21 Walter Bernard Hiscock Fred W & Cora McLeary Hiscock Farmington & Strong
560. “Maine, Births and Christenings, 1739-1900,” electronic, familysearch, 6/28/2015, for Sally Hiscock, 12/15/1824, Farmington, Lincoln, Maine, "Maine, Births and Christenings, 1739-1900," Database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 June 2015), Sally Hiscock, 15 Dec 1824; citing FARMINGTON,FRANKLIN,MAINE; FHL microfilm 10,865, says b. 15 Dec.
561. “To Mr. Frances Tufts, Farmington, Franklin Co., Main[e]: labeled Letter No. 15,” written by Sally (Bradford) Parker, widow of Peter Parker, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois, began on September 20, 1844 but postmarked Oct. 3, 1844, Original is on file at the Delaware County Historical Society Librrary, Delaware City, Delaware Co., Ohio.
562. Darlene Sprague,, “Condit - Waldo,” 6/23/2003, possession of David Condit, first name Sarah.
563. Genealogy of the Waldo family, Compiled by Waldo Lincoln A. B., Worcester, Mass., Press of Charles Hamilton, 1902,, 1, 524, 733, 1/13/2015.
564. “1856 Iowa State Census for E Waldo,” Pottawattamie, Iowa, 1856, electronic,, 1/19/2012, Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
565. “1870 US Census for Cordelia Waldo,” Council Bluffs Ward 1, Pottawattamie, Iowa, electronic,, 1/19/2012, Year: 1870; Census Place: Council Bluffs Ward 1, Pottawattamie, Iowa; Roll: M593_416; Page: 25A; Image: 53; Family History Library Film: 545915.
566. “1880 US Census for Cordelia Condit,” Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa, electronic,, 12/22/2014, Year: 1880; Census Place: Little Sioux, Harrison, Iowa; Roll: 343; Family History Film: 1254343; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 080; Image: 0367.
567. “1900 US Census for Bertha M Reid,” Weiser City, Washington, Idaho, electronic,, 1/20/2012, Year: 1900; Census Place: Weiser City, Washington, Idaho; Roll: T623_234; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 109.
568. Darlene Sprague,, “Condit - Waldo,” 6/23/2003, possession of David Condit.
569. “Record of the Little Sioux, Iowa Branch,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, Dec 1873, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Membership Records, page132B, indicates b. 9/15/1840.
570. “Idaho Deaths and Burials, 1907-1965,” digital images, From FamilySearch Internet (, 5/12/2010, for Cordelia Condit, Weiser, Washington, Idaho, Film 1255630, pg 5.
571. Bill Harms,, “Re: Condit Famil,” 5/2/2008-5/4/2008, Email files of David Condit, on Family tree.
572. “Deed to Property for Silas W Condit,” 9 Nov 1843, Book B, page 35, No. 255, Hancock Co., IL.
573. History of Harrison County, Joe H. Smith, Iowa Printing Co., Des Moines, Iowa, 1888, 144, 112, 391, electronic copy in files.
574. “Will of Peter Parker (including legal papers),” Sudbury, Delaware County, Ohio, 2/17/1871, electronic, copy in possession of David Condit, 8/15/2013, Delaware County Library, Delaware, Ohio.
575. “Record of the Little Sioux, Iowa Branch,” Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri, Dec 1873, 4/18/2013, Community of Christ Archives, Independence, Missouri; Early Membership Records, page132B.
576. “1850 US Census for Samuel Waldo,” Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut, electronic,, 1/19/2012, Year: 1850; Census Place: Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut; Roll: M432_41; Page: 425B; Image: 592.
577. “1851 Iowa State Census for Samuel Waldo,” Pottawattamie, Iowa, 1851, electronic,, 1/19/2012, Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
578. “Iowa, Select Marriages, 1878-1898; 1903-1942,” Pottawattamie, Iowa, electronic, online,, 12/24/2014, for Elijah D Waldo and Cordelia C Elsworth, Marriages, 1809-1992 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2014.
579. “Jona. Condit’s Will,” Essex County, New Jersey, Will 6/12/1805; Codicil 6/17/1812; proved 9/10/1823, #11469G, hard copy and electronic copy available from David Condit, original in the Archives of the State of New Jersey.
580. “List of the Rateable Property of Orange Township for 1821,” Orange Township, Essex Co., New Jersey, unknown, paper copy, Archives of the State of New Jersey, Trenton, New Jersey.
1820 Rateable Property list shows “Condit, Jeptha; Mountain Land 20; Cattle 2; Dollars 1; Cents 19”
1821 Rateable Property list shows “Condit, Jeptha died estate; Mountain Land 20; Cents 50”
1822 Rateable Property list shows “Condit, Jeptha estate of; Mountain Land 20; Cattle 1; Cents 19”
581. “1830 US Census for Amos W Condit,” Orange, Essex, New Jersey, electronic,, 6/14/2013, 1830 US Census; Census Place: Orange, Essex, New Jersey; Page: 437; NARA Series: M19; Roll Number: 79; Family History Film: 0337932.
582. “1850 US Census for Amos Kent,” Wapello, Louisa, Iowa, 12 Oct 1850, and NARA Microfilm M-432, Roll 187, pg 104, family 27, dwelling 27, online and National Archives, 12/16/2011, Year: 1850; Census Place: Wapello, Louisa, Iowa; Roll: M432_187; Page: 121A; Image: 112.
583. Rutgers University genealogy dept., “Charles Carroll Gardner Collection Card Files,” viewed 8/22/96, 8/8/2014, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ.
584. “The Centinel of Freedom,” Newark, NJ, Tuesday, 2/8/1803, 3, Micro Opaque card, Rutgers University, genealogy dept.
Married: On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Moses Edwards, Mr. Jeptha Conduit of North Orange, to Miss Charlotte Smith of Northfield.
585. J. R. Burnet, J. R. Burnet manuscripts, Rutgers University genealogy dept., Box, page 86-7.
Jeptha condit “between the Mts” married Charlotte Smith dau of Obadiah Smith of Northfield. Headstones at Centreville
586. Condit Family Genealogy Files, “Family record for Parker Smith Condit,” unknown, Norman Condit, Condit Family Genealogist.
587. “Samuel Cundict Sr. Will; 4519-26G, Essex Co., New Jersey,” Essex Co., New Jersey, Wills, bonds, inventories and appraisals 1697-1900 no 4473G-5350G, Electronic,; Wills, bonds, inventories and appraisals 1697-1900 no 3619G-4472G, 8/21/2012, 31 of 496.
1777, June 20. Cundict, Samuel, of Newark, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. I give all my lands, according to a certain survey, made for a division, to my sons, Daniel, Samuel, David and Jonathan. The land that was divided, or surveyed, for my sons, Samuel and David , I leave with my sons, Daniel and Jonathan, to give to the children of the deceased sons; the part that was for Samuel to be given to such children as they see fit, as also that for son David. My salt meadow I give to sons, Daniel, Jonathan and the children of Samuel and David. Son, Daniel, my great Bible. To Mary Billington, £10. My moveable estate I give to all my sons, Daniel, and to the children of my son, Samuel, deceased, to children of my son, David, deceased; to Jonathan, and to my daughter, Martha Williams. Executors—my sons, Daniel and Jonathan. Witnesses— Matthias Pierson, Mary Williams, John Dod. Proved Oct. 15, 1777.
1777, Aug. 12. Inventory, £957.5.10, made by Stephen Harison and John Dod. Lib. 19, p. 393
588. Francis Bazley Lee, compiler, Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, copy in my possession, New York, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1910.
589. First Presbyterian Church, Orange, NJ, abt 1976, David Condit.
590. “Gravestone Records from Old Burying Ground, Orange, Essex County,” Rev. Warren Patten Coon, The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Oct 1928, Began Vol IV, No. 2 pg 46; Vol IV, No. 3, pg 65; Vol IV, No. 4, pg 112; Vol IV, No. 4, pg 159, Files of David Condit, Also available:
591. NJ State Archives, Trenton, NJ, “Condit, Jonathan - Newark Township, Essex County,” NJ Archives; certified copy in possession.
592. “The Condit and Whitehead Familes,” Dr. Norman I. Condit, paper, in the files of the Condit Family archives.
593. Jemima Condict Her Book, Diary of Jemima Condict, The Carteret Book Club, Newark, New Jersey, 1930, Condit family archives, indicates he died on 18 Jul 1777.
594. Avlyn Dodd Conley, 1997 Supplement to Genealogy and History of the Daniel Dod Family in America, Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1997.
Included the document “parmenas dodd.pdf where some information is from.
595. Fred Russell Williams, Jr., Williams Genealogy; Matthew, Thomas, Miles and Swain; 1623-2003, Gateway Press, Inc, Baltimore, MD, 2003,
596. Jemima Condict Her Book, Diary of Jemima Condict, The Carteret Book Club, Newark, New Jersey, 1930, Condit family archives, indicated d. 2/18/1777.
597. Stephen Wickes, M. D., History of the Oranges, Ward & Tichenor, Newark, NJ, 1892, 296.
598. “Land records, 1755, 1752,” Family History Library, Manuscript/Manuscript on Film #1024666 item 1 (Essex), item 7 (Morris), 7/16/2015, Family HIstory Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
599. Jemima Condict Her Book, Diary of Jemima Condict, The Carteret Book Club, Newark, New Jersey, 1930, Condit family archives.
600. Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, William Nelson, Call Printing and Publishing Co., Paterson, N.J., 1904, First Series-Vol. XXIII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Vol. I 1670-1730, Samuel Potter 372; Samuel Harrison pg 314; Isaac & Joseph Whitehead pg 508, 8/7/2012, electronic; google books.
1696 June 26. Potter, Samuel, senior, of Newark. Administration on the estate of, granted to John Condit and wife Deborah. NJ Archives, XXL, p. 244
1696 Dec. 23. Inventory of the personal estate ; made by Ephraim Burwell senior and Robert Young. Exxes Wills

1712-3 Jan.
7. Harrison, Samuel, of Newark, Essex Co., yeoman; will of. wife Mary, sole executrix. Children—Samuel, John, Mary, wife of Peter Cundit, Sarah, wife of Nathaniel Ward, Susanna, wife of Samuel Ward, Abigail and Elener. Real and personal estate. Witnesses —Jonathan Crane, John Johnson junior, John Cooper. Proved December 12, 1724. Lib. A, p. 317

1690-1 Jan. 31. Whitehead, Isaac, of Elizabeth Town; will of. N. J. Archives, XXL, p. 184

1714 Dec. 19. Whitehead, Joseph, of Elisabeth Town; will of. Wife Jaen sole heiress and with father-in-law Ephraim Price executrix of “whole estate." Witnesses—-Henry Rosa, Daniel Brinton, Isaac Whitehead. Proved April 26, 1715. Lib. 2, p. II, and Monmouth Wills
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